5 Section Brocade
5 Words Brocade
At its deepest level, the 5 Section Taijiquan program focuses on ‘core-principles’ with an emphasis on the idea that one’s outer structure and inner state affect one another reciprocally. A naturally-aligned physical structure arises from an internal state of self-composure, and self-composure is greatly influenced by the situation of one’s physical form. For example, if one’s stance and posture do not accord with one’s skeletal and muscular structure, one cannot ‘feel at ease.’ Similarly, if one is emotionally unsettled it is difficult to find dynamic alignment in the body.
In their practice of taijiquan, individuals have the opportunity to identify and correct dysfunctions that inhibit freedom of movement and expression. The possibility for addressing such issues is improved with the 5 Section Taijiquan Five Section Brocade,’ (Wuduanjin). The term ‘brocade’ refers both to the idea of individual sections in shuttle-woven fabrics and to the ‘silken’ quality of the exercises. The Wuduanjin is structured in five sections and incorporates the ‘Five Words of Self-composure’ and 5 Section Taijiquan Core-principles.
The Five Words Brocade Sequence
Raise and lower hands with the five words of self-composure:
‘Breath,’ ‘Calm,’ ‘Centre,’ ‘Root,’ ‘Energy.’
Section One: The Spine
◦ Roll down: Neck; Upper back; Middle back; Lower back; Coccyx
◦ Swaying: Toes forward; Toes inward; Toes outward
◦ Squatting
◦ Roll up: Coccyx; Lower back; Middle back; Upper back; Neck
◦ Five direction looking
Section Two: The Arms
◦ Single arms (forward)
◦ Single arms (backward)
◦ Double arms (forward/alternate top hand)
◦ Double arms (backward/alternate top hand)
◦ Double arms—(high peng/low an)
Section Three: The Legs
◦ Leg circles (inside, outside, yin-yang circles)
◦ Horse stance. Waist turning (yin/yang stance continuum)
◦ Bow stance. Waist turning (add walk)
◦ Retreat monkey step
◦ Golden rooster (add kick)
Section Four: The Energies Peng, Lü, Ji, An
◦ Raising peng. Lowering an
◦ Forward peng and an
◦ An to lü.
◦ Peng to ji.
◦ Lü to ji. Ji to lü.
Section Five: Five Words Neigong
◦ Hands to sides. Palms down
◦ Hands crossed (right over top)
◦ Hands to sides. Palms up
◦ Hands press down (hands together)
◦ Hands press down (hands apart)
Raise and lower hands with the five words of self-composure:
‘Breath,’ ‘Calm,’ ‘Centre,’ ‘Root,’ ‘Energy.’
Watch Patrick Foley from Longwater Tai Chi perform the set: