This website is a touchstone for all taiji players involved with the 5 Section Taijiquan Program.
In the Events section, various 5 Section Taijiquan programs and events offered around the world are listed.
In the Forum, practitioners and instructors can discuss all things 5 Section.
In the Groups section (currently in progress), site visitors can see where in the world they can learn 5 Section Taijiquan.
Articles, videos and study resources are being added continually to support this ever growing international taijiquan community.
Forms and practices from the 5 Section Taijiquan program have been adopted by taijiquan schools throughout Europe, the Americas, and even in Asia. This modular program has been designed to meet the needs of contemporary recreational taijiquan groups and to prepare committed students for traditional full-curriculum taijiquan training.
The 5 Section Taijiquan Program began it’s development in the late 1980s in Vancouver, Canada, a hotbed for taijiquan and Chinese martial-arts generally owing to it’s large multi-generational Chinese community. In its early stages, the program was shaped by a small collective of taijiquan instructors. known as The Tai Chi Group. Directed by Sam Masich, the early efforts of the group included input from both Master Liang Shouyu and Dr. Yang Jwing Ming.
Order your copy of Sam's new book now!
Now available in softcover!